What do you need to know when choose a Fingerprint Lock? 11-29-2022

What do you need to know when choose a Fingerprint Lock


# Additional Authentication Methods
Just to be on the safe side, I recommend you choose a smart lock that offers you additional methods of verifying your identity.

While this rarely happens, your door lock could potentially deny you access if there's a software glitch.

There are other options to choose from. For example: password, card key or using a smart app etc. All that matters is that you have several entry options available.


#Low FRR and FAR Ratings
FRR stands for False Rejection Rating. This rating tells you how often the scanner failed to accept verified fingerprints on the first try during testings. A good FRR rating is 1% or below.

FAR for False Acceptance Rating, is kind of opposite to FRR. FAR tells you how often the scanner accepted an unverified fingerprint on the first try. This makes FAR more important than FRR security-wise because you don't want your lock to unlock without the presence of authorized persons.A good FAR rating is 0.0001% or below.These two ratings are the most important things to check before buying a new door lock.


#A Built-In Alarm System
A reliable alarm is a necessary part of any home security system.Having a built-in alarm system will help you sleep more peacefully.

AWSOMETEK has rich experience in the field of intelligent locks. The products meet international standards. It is worth trusting.



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